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Citrus America

A person with long hair sips a refreshing-looking citrus drink with ice cubes and a slice of lime through a straw from a clear glass, set against a blurred green outdoor background.

Is Orange Juice Good for your Health?

By Citrus America / May 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Is Orange Juice Good for your Health?

Discover the multifaceted benefits of freshly squeezed orange juice, both for health and business profitability. Learn how incorporating a commercial juicing solution can attract health-conscious consumers and enhance your operational efficiency, turning a simple beverage into a profitable signature product.

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Three glass bottles filled with vibrant juices, possibly from a commercial juicer, are lined up on a wooden surface. From left to right, the juices are yellow, red (likely citrus), and green, with the green one garnished with parsley. Surrounding the bottles are fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and oranges.

Drive More Traffic to Your Business with Signature Products

By Citrus America / April 15, 2024 / Comments Off on Drive More Traffic to Your Business with Signature Products

Elevate your business with a commercial citrus juicer, creating signature, healthy products that set you apart. Discover how to attract and retain customers with unique offerings in grocery stores and restaurants, increase market share, and grow your bottom line through innovative juicing strategies.

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A grocery store section featuring two Citrus America juicing machines with vibrant fruit displays. To the right, a refrigerated shelf holds pre-packaged fruit containers. The backdrop has a wall with text, while bananas and avocados are also visible.

Double the Juicing, Double the Benefits

By Citrus America / January 18, 2024 / Comments Off on Double the Juicing, Double the Benefits

Discover the benefits of dual juicers in grocery stores: increased efficiency, variety, and customer satisfaction in fresh juice retailing.

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A glass of orange juice is surrounded by an assortment of fresh citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, and limes, both whole and halved. The vibrant colors and juicy appearances of the fruits create a refreshing and tropical ambiance, perfect for showcasing the power of a commercial juicer.

How to Run a Successful Juicing Program

By Citrus America / January 12, 2024 / Comments Off on How to Run a Successful Juicing Program

In the midst of the global movement toward health and wellness, the juicing industry has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity. Many grocery store owners, recognizing the potential for healthy profits and increased customer satisfaction, have eagerly embraced juicing programs.

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Portrait of a man in a blue shirt holding an orange, promoting a podcast episode. Text on the image reads: "Walk-In Talk Podcast. Guest: Jay Gardner, Citrus America." A "Listen Here" button is at the top. Discover insights into commercial juicers and more!

The Flavor of Success: Latin Cuisine, Jay The Juice man, and Food Sales Triumphs

By Citrus America / October 18, 2023 / Comments Off on The Flavor of Success: Latin Cuisine, Jay The Juice man, and Food Sales Triumphs

Prepare your tastebuds for a culinary escapade as we journey into the heart of Latin-inspired cuisine, savoring the flavors of mojo-marinated steak and chimichurri manchego cheese. Our guide? The accomplished chef Jeffrey Schlissel. We delve into the luscious layers of these delectable dishes, revealing the secrets behind their enticing flavors and providing you a recipe to recreate this gastronomic delight at home.

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Several clear plastic bottles filled with vibrant orange juice, capped with black lids, are placed in a bed of ice in a cooler. The image displays a close-up view of the bottles, highlighting the refreshingly bright citrus hue created by our commercial juicer.

Whatโ€™s the Best Tasting Citrus Juice?

By Citrus America / October 17, 2023 / Comments Off on Whatโ€™s the Best Tasting Citrus Juice?

How to drive grocery store traffic and add incremental sales with the consistently freshest and best tasting juice

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A display featuring a variety of bright orange, red, green, and yellow citrus fruits arranged on black pedestals against a black background. The fruits are artistically placed in transparent containers and glass jars, creating an eye-catching, colorful presentation reminiscent of Citrus America's commercial juicer displays.

An Interview with Citrus Americaโ€™s Visionary Founder Brian Framson

By Citrus America / October 3, 2023 / Comments Off on An Interview with Citrus Americaโ€™s Visionary Founder Brian Framson

In 2011, an entrepreneurial vision sprouted from a seemingly straightforward observation: fresh juice was more readily available in Vienna, Austria, than in Florida, a state renowned for its citrus produce. This revelation became the driving force behind Brian Framson and his late father Ronโ€™s remarkable entrepreneurial journey, which ultimately culminated in the formation of Citrus America.

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A woman shows a man something on a tablet across the reception desk in a modern office. The man is seated while the woman stands, both intently focused on the screen displaying data about Citrus America's latest commercial juicer. The office background includes large windows, plants, and various equipment.

How Do You Increase Trust with Your Customers?

By Citrus America / September 5, 2023 / Comments Off on How Do You Increase Trust with Your Customers?

Why Certifications Matter in Commercial Food Equipment Food safety is an incredibly important topic. Consumers want to know that they are getting healthy, nutritious and safe products when they shop at a grocery store or eat out. Consumers would also like to know that they are getting what they paid for. In addition to consumer […]

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Booth for Citrus America featuring various models of commercial juicers, displays of colorful citrus fruits, and stacks of plastic cups and lids. Two large juicers, brochures, cardboard boxes, and a water dispenser are also visible. The backdrop showcases the Citrus America logo.

What Makes Us Different from the Other Guysย 

By Citrus America / July 27, 2023 / Comments Off on What Makes Us Different from the Other Guysย 

Or Why Our Juicing Equipment Is the Best Value It’s easy for any company to claim they have the best product. Marketing pictures and talk is cheap. Actions and deliverables speak far louder than words. In our blog “The Juice”, we share our insights on juicing and the juicing industry. Today, we want to answer […]

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A variety of richly colored fruits, including citrus like oranges, lemons, and limes alongside apples and kiwis, are displayed in an intricate arrangement on black platforms against a dark background, with stacked fruit boxes adding to the symmetry and visual appeal of the setup.

One Juicer to Rule Them All

By Citrus America / June 27, 2023 / Comments Off on One Juicer to Rule Them All

Citrus America: Juicing Versatility at Its Finest With so many options to choose from, we’re here to help our customers earn Healthy Profits from Citrus Juicing. We have many different machine-base configurations and accessories to choose from. TOP ROW FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Citrocasa 8000SB-ATS on Rolling Stainless Steel Cabinet with Bottle Dispenser. Unit shown […]

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